Where I Write

Posted on Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wolf River has really been a test of time management and dedication.  When I tell you I have waved the white flag,  its true.  I have waved it high and proud.  "This is it.  What was I thinking? Was I even thinking? Must email Rosemi!"  

Then I slow down my breathing, check my pulse, count to ten, put my feet up against the wall and bitch.  I sprint to my computer and write a whining email to my editor.

So I get out and go to my favorite place to write Wolf River.  The one place that inspires me. Where I'm surrounded by like minded people, people who have done it before me and who know what I am feeling. Where people come in and out with a book.  Where people are reading or searching for the perfect one to get lost in.  

I go to the library.  

(not the library by my beautiful shelf) 

It's the best place!  My dream, when all this is said and done,  is that I get to read my book at my local library.  The people who work there are so nice and I know them all.  They greet me with a warm smile and talk to me like a friend.

Support your local library and go spend some time there.  It will  motivate you to keep writing.

Listening to: Ain't Nobdoy's Problem by The Lumineers

  1. I have a hard time writing at the library because I don't like the chairs. :-P If you ever want to join me at Starbucks, I've been doing 4-hour sprints on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. :-)

    1. haha, yes those lousy chairs!!i would love to join you Brigid!! i just have to buy a laptop first. *on my to do list*
