
Posted on Thursday, July 3, 2014

I started to make a list of everything that I want to try.  From making my own bread to jumping off a cliff.  To explore doesn't mean an adventure to another country or doing something that might mean risking your life.  It could mean just explore your backyard or a local museum.  Keep it simple.  Explore the unknown.

Since I can remember, I've always explored. Never one to stay put in one area or let alone stay at job for too long.  Once I've done it, I like to move on and explore something else. I crave to try new things. Learn a new craft or a new plant.  It's the free spirit in me.

Before I had the stroke, I was really hard on myself about this side of me.  Thinking it wasn't a great example for my kids.  That I should be like everyone else and just be happy with where I am.  Learn to slow down and just be a mom.  Whatever that means.  And after my stroke, I did think that for a couple of weeks.  That its time to slow down, master what I know now and be that mom that I think I should be.

But, thats not who I am.  It's not the example I want to be to my kids.  I am who I am.  A wanderer.  A risk taker.  A free spirit.  An explorer.  I want to explore the unknown.  The trails that haven't been paved. The countries NOT on the "Top 10 Places To Go."  I want to buy that VW bus I have been talking about for years even when people tell me its going to breakdown.  Then maybe I'll learn how to fix a car.

Our lives are too short and precious to stop exploring.  

participating in the July writing prompt from writealm.com
  1. Loved reading this...keep exploring : ) Your photography is beautiful.

    1. thank you so much for your sweet words and stopping by :) im excited about this journey:)

  2. ❤️ Yes! Your kids will love the adventures you take them on!
