Sanctuary In My Own Backyard

Posted on Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ok lets be honest, as much as I want to be out in the woods hiking, on a creek in a canoe or camping somewhere everyday, its just not possible .  Nope not at all. I have a small wolf pack and its hard to get everyone ready for such big adventures. It's a workout just to get everyone's shoes on and in the car! Can i get an amen from all the mother's out there? AMEN

The next best thing: My little sanctuary in my backyard.  It's nothing glamours by any means but my garden and "patio" bring me so much peace and tranquility.  And thanks to my dear friend and in-laws, who added the chairs, hammock, and a little character, to make it even better.  This place is where I go to escape, even when the kids are out there in the baby pool or running around fighting.  It's been a great place for me to recover and be inspired.  

Our dream is to eventually get a plot of land.  Where I can make an oasis in the mountains somewhere.  A plot big enough for my kids to run around. And close enough so I can a hear a river and go fishing with my husband.  

Until then, this is my little plot of paradise. Welcome!

participating in the July writing prompt from

  1. Replies
    1. thanks. its a work in progress but i love it:)

  2. Wow your flowers look great. I've always loved your backyard. It may be tiny but it's yours and love that you are enjoying it��
