Craving Vitamin D

Posted on Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What is it with the green lush forest that I crave? The pure scent of the wild.  The untouched part of the earth where no cars, no buildings and if we are lucky no pollution. I guess its the undiscovered that pulls me in.  The ability to go explore and not feel confined to my house or the hustle of the busy life we live by.

As a stay at home mom,  there are several times a week when the four walls I live in start caving in on me.  The gloomy days of winter get under my skin and make me crave vitamin D like I crave chocolate.

Dont get me wrong, I believe that winter is necessary for nature and for us.  A time to slow down and hibernate. To get that old crock pot going, start a fire and curl up on the couch and read a good book. But I can't tell you how much I miss seeing green and the smiling sun shining on me.  The walks to drop off the kids at school seem happier with less crying because they are cold and more time spent at the park playing before homework.   Right now, I'm writing a chapter in Wolf River that the setting is in the winter time with lots of snow and cold days.  So I shouldn't be complaining because right now those wolves  have it much harder than I do.

But the outdoors for me is my therapy, its my medication and my sanity.  All the doors and windows are open.  The sweet sound of the front screen door opening and closing brings me joy.  Not the monster heater that turns on, kills my plants and forces me to put extra socks on even when the thermostat reads 70.

I'm sending the above picture to my printer this week and having them print it at least 11 x 14.  It's going to be a reminder of the time soon to come.  But don't get all excited because you will laugh when I tell you that I'm putting it in my bathroom because its the only place in my house that doesnt have a window and I need a constant reminder of the outdoors.  A green bathroom yes!

I have a fun announcement next week, just need to work out the details, and I will post it here:) So be on the look out.

Listening to: Slow It Down by The Lumineers

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